Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

7 Conditions hand indicating symptoms of disease

Hands are the most important part of the body to perform daily activities ranging from typing, writing, taking goods and others. This causes people often underestimate the change in the condition of the hand which is a sign of disease symptoms that could be dangerous.
Here are 7 important clues that can be expressed by the hands of human health:
1. Red stains on PalmsIn the short term, red palms can be caused by gripping objects too hard, too long to wash hands or lift the pot is still hot.
In pregnant women, red palms is a normal condition due to increased blood flow causes the redness in women. But if the palm of the hand remains red for a long period of time, the condition is called palmar erythema, which is a sign of chronic liver disease (cirrhosis) and the buildup of fat in the liver.
"Inflammation of the liver is gradually interfere with the performance of the liver so the liver is no longer able to dispose of waste from the body efficiently," said Blanchard. The result is excess hormones which in turn causes the blood vessels in the hands and feet swell so that it can be seen from the skin.
If this happens, immediately check with your doctor to evaluate other symptoms of liver disease such as leg and abdominal swelling, prominent veins on the abdomen and upper body, and fatigue. The most common test to determine liver damage is to measure the amount of bilirubin and liver enzymes.

2. Finger lengthComparison of finger length can tell the likelihood of certain diseases. Men tend to ring finger longer than index fingers, but otherwise in women. Women with a pattern of 'masculine' have longer ring fingers than index fingers and two times more likely to suffer from osteoarthritis, according to a 2008 study published in the journal Arthritis and Rheumatism.
This study found that knee osteoarthritis is more common in men and women with a longer ring finger, but the effect was most prominent in women. A longer index finger is also associated with higher risk of breast cancer in women and prostate cancer risk in men. A study in 2010 found that men who finger longer than ring finger 33 percent higher risk of developing prostate cancer.
Scientists are not sure why, but it is believed that finger length is influenced by the amount of testosterone and estrogen in the uterus. A longer ring finger indicates high testosterone exposure while in the womb, while a longer index finger showed a higher exposure to estrogen. Since estrogen is the fuel breast cancer, a longer index finger correlate with breast cancer risk is higher. In men, testosterone is more related to prostate cancer risk is higher.
Women who have longer ring fingers sebiknya alert to the symptoms of weak joints, especially in the knee. Men at high risk of prostate cancer should be proactive in cancer testing. Women at high risk of developing breast cancer should undergo a mammogram or to schedule an MRI. Some researchers believe that the finger length should be used as a criterion to find out the presence of cancer in a comprehensive manner. But the idea is still debated.

3. Swollen fingerFinger swelling may occur due to simple causes such as hot weather will experience menstruation, or eating too much salty food. But if your fingers feel thick and stiff, or not fit to enter the ring after a lot of drink or eat less salty, swelling can be a sign of thyroid hormone deficiency (hypothyroidism).
When the thyroid is underactive, important hormones that regulate metabolism and maintain body functions properly is also reduced. And when the metabolism slows down, the result is weight gain and water collection.
"One of the first places that can be seen that the excess water is a finger. The question also can feel your fingers feel stiff because it is hard bent," says Kenneth Blanchard, endocrinologist who wrote 'What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Hypothyroidism'.
Ask your doctor to perform regular thyroid examination with blood tests to measure levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone or TSH. Make sure your doctor aware of the new screening guidelines stating that the level of TSH should be between 0.3 and 3.0.

4. Pale nailsUnder normal circumstances, the nail is pressed will be white. And when the pressure is removed, the nail turns pink again. If the nail remains white more than a minute after pressed or look pale all the time, it could be a sign of anemia.
Anaemia or iron deficiency causes pale nails kerana there is not enough red blood cells that circulate in the bloodstream. If left untreated over time, severe iron deficiency can also cause nail-shaped slightly concave. If anemia is the cause of the nail pale, thin lines at the bottom of the nails tend to look very pale.
"Iron deficiency can cause fatigue. These symptoms can be treated by increasing the intake of iron-rich foods such as spinach, red meat, green vegetables, and nuts. But it may need to take iron supplements as well," said Blanchard.
If iron causes digestive problems, anti-constipation should drink formula. It would be better if taking vitamin C at the same time as it helps absorption of iron.
5. The lines in the Lower Little Red Nail ColourThese lines are called splinter hemorrhage because it looks like small flakes or brownish red under the nail. This can be a sign of heart or blood infection. Along with the direction of nail growth, this area resembles a fraction that is trapped under the nail. Flakes hemorrhage occurs when blood clots block blood flow in small capillaries under the nails. These symptoms most often occur due to infection of the heart valves called subacute bacterial endocarditis.
If there are red spots under the nails but never diagnosed with heart problems, do not panic. This is most likely caused by something else. It may be that only wounds on the hands. Check your body temperature to ensure the possibility of fever, because bacterial endocarditis is usually accompanied by mild fever. If you have not been examined yet worried about these symptoms, contact your doctor for examination. The doctor will run a series of tests to evaluate blood flow in the heart.

6. Fingertips are Thick and RoundThickening of the fingertips can be a sign of heart disease or lung. Usually seen also rounding the nail so that the fingers look curved downward. If the circulatory system of the heart or lungs is compromised, blood oxygen levels tend to decline. Over time, this causes the tissue in the finger pads to grow, so that the tip of the finger protruding out.
If the fingers and toes have been thickened, chances are other symptoms such as shortness of breath or chronic coughing. Thickening also occurs in heart valve disease that causes fatigue and chest pain. See your doctor to examine the heart and lungs as a whole.

7. Color Blue FingertipsFingertips gray, bluish, or numbness can be signs of circulatory disorder known as Raynaud's disease or Raynaud's syndrome. Raynaud's syndrome causes sudden seizure while in the veins and arteries. Artery narrows and blood flow makes it difficult to hands and fingers. Symptoms are numb fingertips, bluish tinge, and hands were cold.
A total of 5 to 10 percent of the population suffers from this condition. Raynaud's syndrome is more common in women than men and worse in cold weather. Can also be caused due to stress. Sudden temperature changes, such as holding ice cubes, can cause Raynaud's syndrome. Wear gloves when going outside in cold weather, because cold is one of the main trigger of Raynaud's syndrome. Temperatures below 15 degrees Celsius has been a problem for people with Raynaud's syndrome.
It's important to not ignore these symptoms, Raynaud's syndrome because of attacks from time to time can restrict circulation and cause tissue damage.
The best way to prevent this is to make lifestyle changes to maintain healthy blood circulation. Smoking and caffeine can constrict blood vessels. Stop smoking and reduce coffee, tea, and cola. Increase aerobic exercise to increase heart rate and makes the blood still pumping.

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